Eye surgery specialist in Hyderabad

When we are young, in our 20s and 30s, our lens is clear and elastic. It is able to change its shape to focus on objects at different distances, much like a camera lens. As we reach middle age however, the lens begins to become rigid, and we lose the ability to do this. This process results in requiring reading glasses to see well up close and is known as presbyopia. Over further time, the natural lens will undergo both a gradual process of yellowing and a gradual process of clouding, eventually becoming opaque. Lenses which have begun to become opaque are called cataracts, replacing them is called cataract surgery. While it used to make sense to wait until a cataract formed to replace your lens, recent advancements in technology have now made it worthwhile to consider having your lens replaced as early as your 40s, as doing so can eliminate your need for reading glasses, distance glasses, and/or contacts. Related Searches Are: Eye Hospital in Hyderabad...