Best Lasik Surgeon in Hyderabad

 Best Lasik Surgeon in Hyderabad

Indications for Lasik Surgery 

Diplopia (Short Sight) wherein the case can not see far and has to wear minus powered spectacles to direct light and see easily, Hyperopia (Long Sight) wherein the case can not see near and also to some extent far without straining eyes and has to wear plus powered spectacles to see easily. Presbyopia wherein case can not see anything easily without straining eyes and has to wear spherical powered spectacles to see easily. Presbyopia ( loss of zooming power with age) wherein the case loses the capability to read without the aid of spectacles. 

  Lasik Eye Surgery Treatment At Envision  Eye Hospital In Hyderabad 

 Lasik Surgery is a corneal ( black of the eye) grounded procedure wherein the frontal face of the cornea acquires new curve following Lasik Surgery procedure compensating for the preexisting fastening error ( diplopia, presbyopia, etc). 

 In lasik a thin corneal delirium is raised to remodel cornea underneath with excimer ray so that once the delirium is put back it acquires new curve. As mending has to be only at the edge of the delirium it's fast and recovery takes just a day. 

“ Bladeless Lasik” or else called “ Intralase Lasik” or “ all ray lasik” is a procedure where another ray called femtosecond ray is used to make the corneal delirium rather of a mechanical microkeratome. This is far more precise compared to Lasik Surgery with blade (Microkeratome). 

 Trans-PRK is a procedure advised for people with fairly thinner corneas wherein no delirium is raised but excimer ray ablation and curve revision is directly done on the face of the cornea. As a large raw area is created it takes up to a week to heal. But Trans PRK by virtue of not cutting cornea preserves virgin cornea. 

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