SMILE Eye Surgery in Hyderabad

 SMILE Eye Surgery in Hyderabad

Small Gash Lenticule Birth (SMILE) ray eye surgery is the rearmost advancement in ray vision correction. SMILE is a minimally invasive surgery done to correct diplopia ( hypermetropia) with outstanding results. Piecemeal from diplopia, it's also useful in treating mild presbyopia up to 5 diopters. Alternately, SMILE is known as Refractive Lenticule Birth/ RELEX. 

 It's grounded on Nobel Prize winning technology (Nobel Prize in Physics 2018) and is a amount vault in refractive surgery.



 Compared to LASIK, SMILE yields a lesser visual perceptivity on average, but maybe the biggest difference is that it's a one- step procedure. During the procedure, an excimer ray isn't demanded since the operation only requires a femtosecond ray for the entire procedure. SMILE is also much less invasive compared to LASIK or PRK. A corneal delirium isn't needed, allowing the case to achieve clearer vision with a lower gash. Creating a delirium can strain corneal jitters, temporarily causing a lower quality of vision in some cases. 


 SMILE outranks LASIK in every single way except that the procedure can only be used for shortsighted individualities. As of now, the procedure isn't available for those with vision or presbyopia. Still, nearly 40 percent of the United States population has diplopia or hypermetropia and that number is growing. Also, the visual recovery time of SMILE is slightly longer than LASIK’s. LASIK cases can begin to see a difference nearly incontinently after the procedure while SMILE requires about one to two days to take effect. 

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